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Functional and Ultrastructural Analysis of Reafferent Mechanosensation in Larval Zebrafish

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All animals need to differentiate between exafferent stimuli (caused by the environment) and reafferent stimuli (caused by their own movement). Researchers characterized how hair cells in zebrafish larvae discriminate between reafferent and exafferent signals. Dye labeling of the lateral line nerve and functional imaging was combined with ultra-structural electron microscopy circuit reconstruction to show that cholinergic signals originating from the hindbrain transmit efference copies, and dopaminergic signals from the hypothalamus may affect threshold modulation.

Characterizing a Photoacoustic and Fluorescence Imaging Platform for Preclinical Murine Longitudinal Studies

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Preclinical studies using animal models require medical imaging technology with sufficient resolution and sensitivity for anatomical, functional, and molecular assessments. Photoacoustic (PA) tomography provides high resolution and specificity, and fluorescence (FL) molecular tomography provides high sensitivity; the combination of these imaging modalities capitalizes on their strengths and mitigates disadvantages. In this publication, the authors describe TriTom, a preclinical imaging system that integrates PA and FL.

ORIP Support for Small Businesses Leads to New Commercial Technology Outcomes That Benefit Community Resources and Advance Research Discoveries

ORIP participates in two federal grant programs that provide funding to small businesses: the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. The primary goal of ORIP’s small business programs is to attract innovative SBIR/STTR projects that could benefit research resources and communities associated with ORIP’s mission.

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