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Promising One-Dose Rapid Treatment for Newborns to Prevent Lifelong Infection with HIV

Newborns can be exposed to HIV—the virus that causes AIDS—during gestation, birth, or breastfeeding. In general, babies born to mothers who test positive for HIV are screened and tested. If found positive, the babies will receive the standard of care: antiretroviral therapy (ART) treatment. Because no cure currently exists for HIV, these babies will receive treatments for the rest of their lives to keep the virus suppressed (i.e.,below detectable levels).

K01 Awardee Studies Innovative Approaches to Induce Protective Immunity Against HIV

Dr. Mauricio Martins has long been fascinated by the complexity of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and its relevance to public health. “The virus…is able to overcome the most sophisticated defenses in the immune system,” Dr. Martins explained. As an immunologist, he is interested in developing new ways to harness the immune system to eliminate HIV.

Collaborative Data Sharing of Non-Human Primate (NHP) Research Reveals Increased Fetal Loss During Zika Virus (ZIKV) Infection

The National Primate Research Centers (NPRCs)1 Consortium is a collaboration among  the California (CNPRC), Oregon (ONPRC), Southwest (SNPRC), Tulane (TNPRC), Washington (WaNPRC), Wisconsin (WNPRC), and Emory (ENPRC) National Primate Research Centers. Funded by the Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Consortium’s mission is to improve global health through biomedical research with NHPs.

Reshaping One of Nature’s Most Complex Defense Mechanisms to Help Fight Diseases

Biomedical research with nonhuman primates (NHPs) has resulted in several notable medical breakthroughs.1–5 NHP research has been essential to our understanding of how the human body responds to infectious and noninfectious diseases and organ transplantation, and to finding therapies for certain cancers and AIDS. NHP biomedical research is made more translatable to human disease using NHP-related laboratory reagents for the characterization and modulation of disease-causing processes.

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