Grantees Tell Their Stories

Angelika Fath-Goodin, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Co-Founder ParaTechs, Kentucky (IDeA State)
Doing Her Part to Improve Animal Welfare.
Angelika’s Success Story
Contribution to Science
The Non-Surgical Embryo Transfer (NSET) device revolutionizes embryo transfer in mice making it ideal for producing transgenic, knock-out or knock-in mice without surgery. NSET is as effective as current surgical procedures.
- Angelika’s award significance: “The receipt of our ORIP grant marked a turning point for us and supported our move from our lab of 600 sq. ft. in small business incubator space at the University of Kentucky to 4000 sq. ft. of newly renovated laboratory space.”
Getting to Know Dr. Fath-Goodin
The Innovation: The NSET Device - Dr. Fath-Goodin
Keys to Success - Dr. Fath-Goodin
Grant Application and Business Advice - Dr. Fath-Goodin

Paul Taylor, D.D.S.
Founder GeneSearch; Montana (IDeA State)
From Llama Rancher to Embryo Transfer Expert
Paul’s Success Story
Contribution to Science
Paul’s device improves the cryopreservation of vertebrate genetic stocks of biomedical and commercial significance.
- After numerous years of research and development, Paul and his wife Sally have become the world’s leading authorities on embryo transfer (ET) in the South American Camelids, teaching ET in many countries.
- The Embryo Cradle was born after 15 years of research and was the first device to successfully puncture a llama embryo in preparation for freezing—leading to the world’s first llama babies born from frozen embryos.
- Paul’s first grant application did not receive a fundable score and he had to resubmit before his Phase I resubmission was selected for funding. Paul’s advice for hopeful grantees is to “be prepared for the long haul.”
Paul’s Llama Story
The Embryo Cradle
Starting a Company
Grantee Application Advice
NIH-ORIP does not endorse the product or the companies named above. This material is for informational purposes only.