S10 Instrumentation Programs: Awards

Use the table below to view the S10 Instrumentation awards made by ORIP from 2014 to 2021. The table can be sorted by clicking on individual headings. To review information on S10 awards made in 2022, 2023, and 2024, visit NIH Reporter.
More than 50 awards
Between 31–50 awards
Between 11–30 awards
Between 1–10 awards
0 awards
Year | Grant Number | PI Name | Title | Instrument Type | Institution | State | Award ($) |
2019 | S10OD026929 | Kristen Jepsen | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 Sequencing System | Sequencers & PCR Instruments | Univ. of California San Diego | CA | $600,000 |
2019 | S10OD026831 | Garry Nolan | 30-parameter FACSymphony A3 Flow Cytometer | Cell Sorters | Stanford Univ. | CA | $510,431 |
2019 | S10OD026884 | David Warshaw | Optical Tweezers with Scanning Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy | Optical Microscopes & Related Instruments | Univ. of Vermont & St. Agric College | VT | $681,453 |
2019 | S10OD025024 | Stuart Berr | Small-Animal 9.4T MRI for Biomedical Research | Biomedical Imagers | Univ. of Virginia | VA | $2,000,000 |
2019 | S10OD026954 | Bruce Cooper | High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Platform | Mass Spectrometers | Purdue Univ. | IN | $600,000 |
2019 | S10OD025092 | James Goldenring | Modular Automated -80C Sample Storage System | Cell-Analysis Instruments & Robotic Platforms | Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Center | TN | $2,000,000 |
2019 | S10OD026957 | Curtis Brandt | Enhancing Basic and Translational Vision Research Using Animals | Optical Microscopes & Related Instruments | Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison | WI | $528,573 |
2019 | S10OD026925 | Allan Reiss | High-density MR-compatible Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy System | Biomedical Imagers | Stanford Univ. | CA | $587,120 |
2019 | S10OD026942 | Robert Van Dam | Radio-UPLC-MS for High-throughput Analysis of Short-lived Radiolabeled Compounds | Mass Spectrometers | Univ. of California Los Angeles | CA | $199,069 |
2019 | S10OD026758 | Bruce Posner | Acoustic Droplet Ejection Liquid Dipenser | Cell-Analysis Instruments & Robotic Platforms | UT Southwestern Medical Center | TX | $336,900 |
2019 | S10OD025109 | Jenny Schafer | Light Sheet Imaging System | Optical Microscopes & Related Instruments | Vanderbilt Univ. | TN | $532,128 |
2019 | S10OD026752 | Paul Gamlin | Shared Instrumentation for Pre- Post- and Intra-operative Ocular Imaging | Biomedical Imagers | Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham | AL | $548,280 |
2019 | S10OD025271 | William Jewell | Q-Exactive Plus Mass Spectrometer | Mass Spectrometers | Univ. of California Davis | CA | $485,813 |
2019 | S10OD026769 | Marisa Otegui | Leica ICE High-pressure Freezer for Correlated Light and Electron Microscopy and Electron Tomography | Cell-Analysis Instruments & Robotic Platforms | Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison | WI | $277,251 |
2019 | S10OD025008 | Paul Stoodley | Structured Illumination Microscope for High Resolution Imaging of Cells and Tissues | Optical Microscopes & Related Instruments | Ohio State Univ. | OH | $593,440 |
2019 | S10OD021803 | Galateia Kazakia | High Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-pQCT) in Vivo Human Scanner Scanco Medical AG. | Biomedical Imagers | Univ. of California San Francisco | CA | $237,000 |
2019 | S10OD026962 | Allis Chien | Xevo TQ-XS Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer System | Mass Spectrometers | Stanford Univ. | CA | $527,209 |
2019 | S10OD025089 | Mikhail Alexeyev | Seahorse XFe24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer | Cell-Analysis Instruments & Robotic Platforms | Univ. of South Alabama | AL | $164,092 |
2019 | S10OD026842 | Anthony Brown | Zeiss LSM 800 Confocal Microscope with Airyscan | Optical Microscopes & Related Instruments | Ohio State Univ. | OH | $369,485 |
2019 | S10OD025022 | Rosemary Akhurst | PerkinElmer Quantum GX CT-Imager | Biomedical Imagers | Univ. of California San Francisco | CA | $342,962 |