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S10 Instrumentation Programs: Awards

Use the table below to view the S10 Instrumentation awards made by ORIP from 2014 to 2021. The table can be sorted by clicking on individual headings. To review information on S10 awards made in 2022, 2023, and 2024, visit NIH Reporter.

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More than 50 awards
Between 31–50 awards
Between 11–30 awards
Between 1–10 awards
0 awards
Year Grant Number PI Name Title Instrument Type Institution State Award ($)
2020 S10OD28710 Jeanne A. Stuckey High Flux Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction System Diffraction Instruments Univ. of Michigan at Ann Arbor MI $1,415,318
2020 S10OD28588 Anton M. Bennett Metabolic Phenotyping Core Radiology, Surgery, & Monitoring Instruments Yale Univ. CT $493,258
2020 S10OD28597 Attila Kovacs HIGH-resolution Ultrasound System Biomedical Imagers Washington Univ. MO $377,860
2020 S10OD28753 Joanna R. Long NMR Console Upgrade NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers Univ. of Miami School of Medicine FL $600,000
2020 S10OD28617 Lois Pollack Laboratory Source for Small/Wide Angle X-ray Scattering Diffraction Instruments Cornell Univ. NY $548,815
2020 S10OD28598 John P. Thyfault Metabolic Phenotyping Cluster Radiology, Surgery, & Monitoring Instruments Univ. of Kansas Medical Center KS $601,761
2020 S10OD26796 Yen-yu I. Shih 9.4T Small Animal MRI Scanner Biomedical Imagers Univ. of North Carolina Chapel Hill NC $2,000,000
2020 S10OD28690 Sylvie Garneau-tsodikova Bruker AVANCE NEO 600 MHz High-Performance Digital NMR Spectrometer NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers Univ. of Kentucky KY $1,449,655
2020 S10OD28589 Neela H. Yennawar X-ray Instrumentation Upgrade Diffraction Instruments Pennsylvania State Univ.-Univ. Park PA $600,000
2020 S10OD28635 Alexander Banks Instrumentation for Continuous Glucose Telemetry and Indirect Calorimetry Radiology, Surgery, & Monitoring Instruments Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center MA $737,103
2020 S10OD26951 Hong Yuan Multimodal PerkinElmer IVIS-SpectrumCT Imaging System Biomedical Imagers Univ. of North Carolina Chapel Hill NC $589,999
2020 S10OD28526 Gerhard Wagner 600 MHz NMR Spectrometer Console NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers Harvard Medical School MA $649,200
2020 S10OD28581 Barry L. Stoddard Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-R macromolecular diffraction instrumentation Diffraction Instruments Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center WA $600,000
2020 S10OD28568 Yu-hua Tseng High Resolution Metabolic Analysis System Radiology, Surgery, & Monitoring Instruments Joslin Diabetes Center MA $573,318
2020 S10OD26875 Roger W. Howell VECTor/CT/OI Multimodal Imaging Biomedical Imagers RBHS-New Jersey Medical School NJ $1,438,853
2020 S10OD26703 John J. Tanner Circular Dichroism Spectrometer NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers Univ. of Missouri-Columbia MO $154,895
2020 S10OD24978 Terje Dokland Cryo-electron Microscope EM Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham AL $1,993,586
2020 S10OD28751 Tony W. Wilson MEG System Radiology, Surgery, & Monitoring Instruments Univ. of Nebraska Medical Center NE $1,924,688
2020 S10OD28495 Dee H. Wu 4.7T MRI Scanner Biomedical Imagers Univ. of Oklahoma Hlth. Sciences Ctr. OK $1,997,103
2020 S10OD28504 Ming-ming Zhou AVANCE NEO 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai NY $599,000