Selected Grantee Publications
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Amphiphilic Shuttle Peptide Delivers Base Editor Ribonucleoprotein to Correct the CFTR R553X Mutation in Well-Differentiated Airway Epithelial Cells
Kulhankova et al., Nucleic Acids Research. 2024.
Effective translational delivery strategies for base editing applications in pulmonary diseases remain a challenge because of epithelial cells lining the intrapulmonary airways. The researchers demonstrated that the endosomal leakage domain (ELD) plays a crucial role in gene editing ribonucleoprotein (RNP) delivery activity. A novel shuttle peptide, S237, was created by flanking the ELD with poly glycine-serine stretches. Primary airway epithelia with the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) R533X mutation demonstrated restored CFTR function when treated with S237-dependent ABE8e-Cas9-NG RNP. S237 outperformed the S10 shuttle peptide at Cas9 RNP delivery in vitro and in vivo using primary human bronchial epithelial cells and transgenic green fluorescent protein neonatal pigs. This study highlights the efficacy of S237 peptide–mediated RNP delivery and its potential as a therapeutic tool for the treatment of cystic fibrosis. Supported by ORIP (U42OD027090, U42OD026635), NCATS, NHGRI, NHLBI, NIAID, NIDDK, and NIGMS.
Cytomegalovirus Vaccine Vector-Induced Effector Memory CD4+ T cells Protect Cynomolgus Macaques From Lethal Aerosolized Heterologous Avian Influenza Challenge
Malouli et al., Nature Communications. 2024.
Development of a universal influenza vaccine that protects against seasonal strains and future pandemic influenza viruses is a necessity because of the limited efficacy of current influenza vaccines. Researchers developed a cynomolgus macaque β-herpesvirus cytomegalovirus (CyCMV) vaccine that targets the highly conserved proteins in influenza viruses. Male and female Mauritian-origin cynomolgus macaques (MCM) were vaccinated and boosted with the CyCMV vaccine prior to being challenged with small-particle aerosols containing highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). MCMs receiving the CyCMV vaccine still presented with fever and pulmonary infiltration but demonstrated significant protection against HPAI-induced mortality. Unvaccinated MCMs challenged with HPAI did not survive. Survival was correlated with the magnitude of influenza-specific CD4+ T cells prior to infection. These results demonstrate the efficacy of a novel vaccine that protects against HPAI through a CD4 T cell–mediated response. Supported by ORIP (P51OD010425, P51OD011092) and NIAID.
Human Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes Integrate Into the Heart of Monkeys With Right Ventricular Pressure Overload
Scholz et al., Cell Transplantation. 2024.
Patients with single-ventricle congenital heart defects suffer from right ventricular pressure overload (RVPO). Researchers developed a novel pulmonary artery banding (PAB) rhesus macaque model to induce RVPO. This study investigated the efficacy of human induced pluripotent stem cell cardiac lineage cell (hiPSC-CL) delivery at low or high dose into adult male and female rhesus macaques with right ventricular dysfunction. The findings indicate that hiPSC-CLs were successfully grafted and integrated to match the surrounding host right ventricle myocardium. These results suggest hiPSC-CL therapy is a potential adjunctive treatment for RVPO, but future research will be needed to elucidate the beneficial effects. Supported by ORIP (P51OD011106).
Administration of Anti-HIV-1 Broadly Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibodies With Increased Affinity to Fcγ Receptors During Acute SHIV AD8-EO Infection
Dias et al., Nature Communications. 2024.
Anti-HIV broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) mediate virus neutralization and antiviral effector functions through Fab and Fc domains, respectively. This study investigated the efficacy of wild-type (WT) bNAbs and modified bNAbs with enhanced affinity for Fcγ receptors (S239D/I332E/A330L [DEL]) after acute simian-HIVAD8-EO (SHIVAD8-EO) infection in male and female rhesus macaques. The emergence of the virus in the plasma and lymph nodes occurred earlier in macaques given DEL bNAbs than in those given WT bNAbs. Overall, the administration of DEL bNAbs revealed higher levels of immune responses. The results suggest that bNAbs with an enhanced Fcγ receptor affinity offer a potential therapeutic strategy by targeting HIV more effectively during early infection stages. Supported by ORIP (P40OD028116), NCI, and NIAID.
Comparison of the Immunogenicity of mRNA-Encoded and Protein HIV-1 Env-ferritin Nanoparticle Designs
Mu et al., Journal of Virology. 2024.
Inducing broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) against HIV-1 remains a challenge because of immune system limitations. This study compared the immunogenicity of mRNA-encoded membrane-bound envelope (Env) gp160 to HIV-1 Env-ferritin nanoparticle (NP) technology in inducing anti-HIV-1 bNAbs. Membrane-bound mRNA encoding gp160 was more immunogenic than the Env-ferritin NP design in DH270 UCA KI mice, but at lower doses. These results suggest further analysis of mRNA design expression and low-dose immunogenicity studies are necessary for anti-HIV-1 bNAbs. Supported by ORIP (P40OD012217, U42OD021458) and NIAID.
Understanding Early HIV-1 Rebound Dynamics Following Antiretroviral Therapy Interruption: The Importance of Effector Cell Expansion
Phan et al., PLOS Pathogens. 2024.
Researchers developed dynamic models of virus–immune interactions, building on a prior theoretical framework, to investigate the dynamics of HIV-1 rebound following antiretroviral therapy (ART). These models were evaluated using viral load data from 24 patients (sex not specified) following ART interruption. Of these models, the best-performing model highlighted that individuals with a higher effector cell expansion rate maintain viral remission for extended periods post-ART. The findings indicate that effector cell expansion plays a critical role in viral rebound control. These results suggest the potential for viral dynamic models to predict and understand HIV-1 rebound after ART interruption, contributing to the development of targeted HIV treatment strategies. Supported by ORIP (R01OD011095) and NIAID.
Commentary: The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium: High-Throughput In Vivo Functional Annotation of the Mammalian Genome
Lloyd, Mammalian Genome. 2024.
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC), a collectively governed consortium of 21 academic research institutions across 15 countries on 5 continents, represents a groundbreaking approach in genetics and biomedical research. Its goal is to create a comprehensive catalog of mammalian gene function that is freely available and equally accessible to the global research community. So far, the IMPC has uncovered the function of thousands of genes about which little was previously known. By 2027, when the current round of funding expires, the IMPC will have produced and phenotyped nearly 12,000 knockout mouse lines representing approximately 60% of the human orthologous genome in mice. This new knowledge has produced numerous insights about the role of genes in health and disease, including informing the genetic basis of rare diseases and positing gene product influences on common diseases. However, as IMPC nears the end of the current funding cycle, its path forward remains unclear. Supported by ORIP (UM1OD023221).
Dual Blockade of IL-10 and PD-1 Leads to Control of SIV Viral Rebound Following Analytical Treatment Interruption
Pereira Ribeiro et al., Nature Immunology. 2024.
Pereira Ribeiro et al. tested a hypothesis that blockading two immune molecules, IL-10 and PD‑1, following treatment interruption could help control viral rebound in antiretroviral therapy (ART)–treated rhesus macaques infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a nonhuman analogue of HIV. When measured at 24 weeks following treatment interruption, durable control of viral rebound was seen in 9 of 10 combo-treated macaques. The investigators also found that they could predict the control of viral rebound based on the induction of inflammatory cytokines, proliferation of effector CD8+ T cells, and reduced expression of BCL-2 in CD4+ T cells prior to treatment interruption. These results could provide a way to achieve long-lasting control of HIV infection after discontinuing ART. Supported by ORIP (U42OD011023, P51OD011132), NCI, and NIAID.
A New Atlas to Study Embryonic Cell Types in Xenopus
Petrova et al., Developmental Biology. 2024.
Petrova et al. have designed a new single-cell atlas for developmental stages in Xenopus tropicalis that encompasses gastrulation, neurulation, and early tail bud. Compared to its predecessors, the new atlas enhances gene mapping, read counts, and gene/cell-type nomenclature. The atlas also leverages the latest X. tropicalis genome version to maintain consistency with previous cell-type annotations while rectifying prior nomenclature issues. The new resource emphasizes previously unexplored germ-cell populations in which novel transcription onset features have been uncovered. Finally, the new atlas offers interactive exploration through a user-friendly web portal and allows users to download complete data sets. Supported by ORIP (R24OD031956).
Gap-Junction-Mediated Bioelectric Signaling Required for Slow Muscle Development and Function in Zebrafish
Lukowicz-Bedford et al., Current Biology. 2024.
Using the neuromuscular system of embryonic zebrafish as a model, Lukowicz-Bedford et al. have identified a protein that is responsible for controlling bioelectric signaling in slow muscle development and function. Bioelectric signaling is a form of intercellular communication that has emerged as a key regulator of animal development. These signals can be mediated by gap junction channels—fast, direct pathways between cells for the movement of ions and other small molecules—that are formed in vertebrates by a highly conserved transmembrane protein family called connexins. However, the connexin gene family is large and complex, making it challenging to identify specific connexins that create channels within developing and mature tissues. This work reveals a molecular basis for gap-junction communication among developing muscle cells and shows how disruptions to bioelectric signaling in the neuromuscular system may contribute to developmental myopathies. Supported by ORIP (R24OD026591), NINDS, and NIGMS.