S10 Instrumentation Programs: Awards

Use the table below to view the S10 Instrumentation awards made by ORIP from 2014 to 2021. The table can be sorted by clicking on individual headings. To review information on S10 awards made in 2022, 2023, and 2024, visit NIH Reporter.
More than 50 awards
Between 31–50 awards
Between 11–30 awards
Between 1–10 awards
0 awards
Year | Grant Number | PI Name | Title | Instrument Type | Institution | State | Award ($) |
2018 | S10OD025171 | Joseph Ackerman | Preclinical MRI Scanner Behind A BSL3 Barrier | Biomedical Imagers | Washington Univ. in St. Louis | MO | $750,000 |
2018 | S10OD025102 | John Hunt | Combination CD-Fluorescence Polarization Spectrophotometer | NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers | Columbia Univ. New York Morningside | NY | $138,375 |
2018 | S10OD025279 | Louis Scampavia | Integrated Acoustic Transfer System for HTS Library Management | Cell-Analysis Instruments & Robotic Platforms | Scripps Florida | FL | $623,741 |
2018 | S10OD016355 | Kelli Boyd | Leica Bond RX | Optical Microscopes & Related Instruments | Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Center | TN | $453,300 |
2018 | S10OD025214 | Pamela Woodard | Siemens Next Generation PET/CT | Biomedical Imagers | Washington Univ. in St. Louis | MO | $1,990,000 |
2018 | S10OD025020 | David Jones | 600 MHz NMR Console and Cold Probe | NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers | Univ. of Colorado | CO | $501,337 |
2018 | S10OD020116 | Eric Weiss | Echo Acoustic Liquid Handler for High Throughput Analysis Lab | Cell-Analysis Instruments & Robotic Platforms | Northwestern Univ. | IL | $347,445 |
2018 | S10OD025040 | Anjon Audhya | Upright Multiphoton Microscopy System | Optical Microscopes & Related Instruments | Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison | WI | $596,819 |
2018 | S10OD023540 | Mary Rusckowski | Small Animal Optical Imaging Camera | Biomedical Imagers | Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. Worcester | MA | $599,999 |
2018 | S10OD023513 | Robert Griffin | New RF Electronics Console and Probes for 900 MHz NMR Spectrometer | NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | MA | $1,000,000 |
2018 | S10OD023526 | Kristina Matkowskyj | Automated Tissue Microarrayer | Cell-Analysis Instruments & Robotic Platforms | Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison | WI | $183,824 |
2018 | S10OD025030 | Douglas Taatjes | Nikon A1R-ER Confocal Microscope | Optical Microscopes & Related Instruments | Univ. of Vermont & St. Agric College | VT | $556,976 |
2018 | S10OD023519 | David Bell | Sub-Micron High-Resolution 3D X-ray Imaging System | Biomedical Imagers | Harvard Univ. | MA | $1,767,290 |
2018 | S10OD023455 | John Gross | 600 MHz NMR Console and Cryoprobe for Studies of Macromolecules Drug Discovery and Cancer Biomarkers | NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers | Univ. of California San Francisco | CA | $820,200 |
2018 | S10OD025082 | Somalee Datta | Object Storage for Secure Data Sharing | Computers & Data Storage | Stanford Univ. | CA | $592,511 |
2018 | S10OD024976 | Guillermina Lozano | Upgrading an Existing Nikon A1-Confocal with LUNV Laser Launch and DU-G Detector | Optical Microscopes & Related Instruments | Univ. of TX. M.D. Anderson Cancer Ctr. | TX | $201,892 |
2018 | S10OD023517 | Jacob Hooker | Carbon-11 Automation Equipment for Human PET Radiotracer Production | Biomedical Imagers | Massachusetts General Hospital | MA | $502,325 |
2018 | S10OD024980 | Glenn Millhauser | Upgrade of a Pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer | NMRs, EPRs, & other Spectrometers | Univ. of California Santa Cruz | CA | $1,495,215 |
2018 | S10OD023696 | Peter Kochunov | Hybrid GPU/CPU Computing Resource to Support Connectomic and Genomics | Computers & Data Storage | Univ. of Maryland Baltimore | MD | $593,047 |
2018 | S10OD025190 | David Brenner | 6 MeV/AMU Ion Linac | Radiology, Surgery, & Monitoring Instruments | Columbia Univ. Health Sciences | NY | $1,999,985 |