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Zebrafish International Resource Center

Grant Number: P40OD011021

Research Emphasis/Objectives

The mission of the Zebrafish International Resource Center (ZIRC) is to provide a central repository for wild-type, mutant, and transgenic strains of zebrafish (Danio rerio) and for materials and information about zebrafish research and husbandry. In addition, we provide veterinary diagnostic pathology services and consultation on health and husbandry issues related to laboratory zebrafish. Standards and procedures for maintaining healthy colonies have been developed. We distribute materials and zebrafish strains to the research community and disseminate husbandry and health standards through consultations, meetings, publications, and our website. Available online is a manual, Diseases of Zebrafish in Research Facilities, for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases affecting zebrafish. The ZIRC is housed on the University of Oregon campus in Eugene, OR.

Services Provided


Strains of wild-type fish and lines carrying mutations and transgenes are accepted from the research community, maintained live or as frozen sperm, and distributed as live adults or embryos upon request. Researchers are welcome to visit the Resource Center to learn about colony management, fish health, aquaculture, husbandry, and biosecurity procedures.

Animal Health

Advice about zebrafish health is provided through consultations. Diseased fish and tissue samples may be sent to the Resource Center for diagnosis. The Resource Center maintains Diseases of Zebrafish in Research Facilities that describes diseases of importance to laboratory zebrafish culture.

Other Materials

Antibodies, gene probes, and other markers to analyze wild-type, mutant, and transgenic stocks are received, stored, and distributed.

Nominal fees are charged for some materials and services.

Contact Information

Zebrafish International Resource Center
5274 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5274
Phone: 541-346-6028
[email protected]

Principal Investigator

Monte Westerfield
Phone: 541-346-4607
[email protected]

Other/Resource Contacts

Director: Zoltan M. Varga
Phone: 541-346-6099
[email protected]