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Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center

Grant Number: P40OD019794 

Research Emphasis/Objectives

The Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center (AGSC) maintains and distributes axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) salamander stocks and supplies in support of biological research and education throughout the United States and abroad. The AGSC axolotl population traces its ancestry back to 1863, the deepest pedigree of any laboratory animal. Most notably, axolotls are studied because they are unique among vertebrates in being able to regenerate numerous tissues and body parts. Additionally, the AGSC serves as an informatics hub where investigators obtain information about axolotl biology, husbandry, technical procedures, potential collaborators, and research findings.

Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center collageCurrent Research

AGSC staff are currently developing cryopreservation methods and capacity to function as a community germplasm repository. Additionally, new approaches for pathogen monitoring are being developed, along with assays to assess axolotl health and welfare.

Services Provided


The AGSC maintains widely used living stocks, including mutants and transgenics, and imports genetic strains that are most likely to impact current and future research efforts. Axolotl embryos and larvae are readily available; adult axolotls are available in limited numbers. Investigators are encouraged to visit the AGSC website to view available stocks and place orders. Upon request, AGSC staff can create custom genetic stocks and fill orders for larger numbers of juveniles and adults.


Axolotl husbandry supplies, including food, salts, and bowls to rear axolotls, are available for purchase. Also, axolotl kits and aquaria are available to support educational activities.


Other services include PCR testing to determine the sex of larval/juvenile axolotls, embryo microinjection, and special axolotl rearing methods.

Contact Information

Ambystoma Genetic Stock Center
University of Kentucky
741 S. Limestone Street, BBSRB B443
Lexington, KY 40536
Phone: 859-323-5679
Email: [email protected]

Center Director

S. Randal Voss

Additional Contact(s)

Chris Muzinic
Associate Director